Monday, November 1, 2010

On a cold and rainy day

My brother-in-law, a friend, and I started a "child swap" on Mondays.  We all have 3 year olds, who are home by themselves during the day, and we all have things we'd like to do by ourselves sometimes, so it's a win-win for all of us!  Every Monday, one of us is going to take all 3 kids from 9am-1pm, leaving the other 2 parents with a few hours to do whatever their hearts' desire...kid-free!  Today was the first day of our swap, and I kinda didn't know what to do with myself!  I should have planned a little better, and I'm sad to say I ended up wasting some time walking around a local store looking for rain boots, but when I couldn't find any I liked for less than $40, I left empty-handed.  Next time, I'm gonna know exactly how my time will be spent ahead of time.  I foresee a few solo Christmas shopping trips in my near future! 

Anyway, here's what I did get accomplished today...

*I did a few loads of laundry
*Vacuumed and picked up the house...after this weekend it was kind of a disaster!
*Re-organized the toybox {Why? I don't know...}
*Made a meal-plan menu for the month
*Posted 3 blog posts! {counting this one}
*Stopped at Starbucks for a Toffee Mocha. {I tried one last week and I'm officially hooked. Oops.}
*Received and opened my Starter Kit for my newest venture...Scentsy! {more to come on that!!}
*and finally, since we have leftovers to heat up for dinner, Taylor and I are getting ready to watch It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown before Daddy gets home. :)

Although it doesn't sound like much, today is just the kind of day that I've been needing.  Got a little done, but did a little relaxing, too.  I'm happy to say that we hardly have anything planned for the next several weeks, so I may just have a few more days like this ahead of me, too. :)


Erin Leigh said...

jealous of your alone time

tiffany jeanne said...

Someday when I live in a coul-de-sac with all my besties I'll be able to do this too! LOL! All your halloween posts are too cute! Sorry I haven't commented much...been keepinng up via my phone and it's never easy to comment from there. :)

Love you and hope to see you soon!

Katherine said...

what a wonderful idea. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Your family is gorgeous. Wishing you happiness, Katherine