Saturday, September 8, 2012

Busy little bees

That's what we are these days. :)

Here's a little photo recap of what we've been up to...

We've been loving these little baby could we not?!
Taylor's been hangin' out with her cousins {get it?! hangin' out?....yah...}
Benjamin's been taking his naps in his crib...yes, on his tummy...he sleeps sooo much better that way.  He's quickly outgrowing his bassinet, so I have a feeling he won't be in our room much longer. :(
 My mom and I took the kids to the park for a picnic/playdate, followed by frozen yogurt at LimeBerry.  I'm slightly addicted.
This little guy loves being outside!  It's so fun to have a summer baby!
We went to the Rainier Round-Up Days Parade, that is all of our whopping 3 town blocks, and I swear Taylor got more candy from that parade than she did last year trick-or-treating!
We've had a little bit of down-time...
We took a drive up to the Hurricane Ridge viewpoint at Mt. St. Helens.  Matt's friend from Wisconsin was visiting and has never been, and neither has Matt in the 13 years that he's lived here!  It was clear skies and sunny most of the way up there...but as you can see, this is what it looked like the closer we got to the top.  Bummer.  It was still worth is though...and we got some really cute pics of the 4 of us! :)

Miss Taylor had her first day of Pre-K!  She looked adorable and was super excited to get to school to see a few of her friends from last year that are in her class again.  Her class is Mon-Thur from noon-3pm this year and I think it's going to work out quite nicely.  I got a few things done in the morning while she played; we had a big, late breakfast to fill her up before she left; and just about the time she started getting antsy to do something, it was time to leave for school.  Then I had a nice, quiet afternoon with my babe.  Perfect!
 It's always good to make your teacher feel special on the first day. :)
 To me, she looks like she should be going to Kindergarten.
*sigh* One more year...
And then there's Ben...calm, cool, collected...and practically edible!
I cannot get enough of this guy. ♥
Matt's coaching high school football in Rainier this year, too, so that's taken up quite a bit of our evenings, weekends and now our Friday nights...which I don't mind at all!  We love watching football and we love watching Matt coach! :)
Taylor's hopefully going to be starting gymnastics in the next few weeks!
She's riding a 2-wheeler with no training wheels now and she's so proud!
She's still great with her baby bro and asked me the other day when we were going to have another baby so she could have a baby sister, too.  When I told her we weren't going to have any more babies, she started crying and said if she would've known that she wouldn't have wanted a brother.  Oh, dear. :)
I'm doing several parties and events for Scentsy this month!
Most importantly, I'm doing a fundraiser to help a childhood friend who is battling stage 4 ovarian cancer.  She's been very sick and I'm sure you can imagine how hard it is on her family...especially her 2 sweet little girls. :(  If you're interested in placing an order to help this mama with her fight please go to and click on the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Fundraiser link under "My Open Parties."  I am donating all of my commission to her for any and all orders placed this month in honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  Every little bit will help tremendously! 
And please, add her to your prayer list.  Her name is Rajeana {Jeana}. Thanks. :)



Crystal / Jayson said...

Great update! And gorgeous pictures. We'll have to make it up there some day. Ben is looking so much older in that last picture, what a cutie.

By the way - I agree - let's get together soon!!!

sara said...

You family is so PRECIOUS! Loved this post!