Saturday, July 14, 2012

Benjamin: 1 month

My sweet little guy is one month old today...could that even be possible?!

He's 7lbs. 3ozs {as of the 11th}.
He's tracking and following faces and voices.
His days are still pretty much spent sleeping, eating and pooping.
Just this week, he's finally turning his days/nights around...thank you, God!  Those were some long nights...
When you give him his binkie he immediately makes two fists and tucks them up next to his cheeks.
He can be kinda fussy. {I gave up dairy again thinking that it may be bothering him, but I'm not sure that it's made a big difference.}
He loves taking a bath and had his first dip in the big tub with Matt and Taylor last night.

He has perfect skin.
His bottom lip quivers when he's really upset.
He can go through a box of diapers like nobody's business.
He's an angel in the car. {knock on wood}
He hates having his diaper changed and usually cries the whole time.
He rolls from his front to his back. Seriously...he's rolling over. Been doing it for a week.
He's a slow nurser and prefers the bottle {I think because he gets it faster and feels more full afterward}. We do about 50/50. Bottle by night, boob by day.

He has a love/hate relationship with his swing, but mostly loves it.
He's still in Newborn size clothes and diapers.
He has gorgeous blue eyes...just like Taylor.
He loves being outside and going for walks in the stroller.
He's starting to find his voice and is most "talkative" in the morning.
He has the cutest dimple on his left cheek.
He smells good.  Like, tiny-baby good.
He's a snuggler.
His arms and legs are constantly moving when he's awake and alert.
We call him Benjamin, Ben, Benj and Benji {Taylor}.
He loves his mama.

And mama loves him to pieces! ♥


Christina said...

I'm still chewing at the bit to meet your sweet, adorable little boy! Hopefully soon the stars will align up and our schedules will match up. :)

Try gripe water for the fussiness... Lillie was extremely colicy, I gave up all dairy and even tried taking her to a pediatric chiropractor. In the end the gripe water seemed to be what worked. I asked our pediatrician after having several friends recommend it, and he gave us the go ahead. I was able to find it at FredMeyer in the organic section. It's a little expensive, but was so worth it!!

Cara Grube :) said...

I'd love to get together soon if we can swing it! And I've actually been giving him Gripe Water this past week and its definitely helping...good stuff! :)

I'll call you soon and hopefully we can find a day to catch up! xo