Thursday, November 15, 2012

5 months

♥ Oh, this little man...
He's all of a sudden obsessed with his toes!
As soon as the socks come off, they're in his hands and headed for his mouth.
He doesn't like to be left with anyone but mommy and daddy.
Matt and I have had 3 outings of less than 3 hours each time.  Twice he's stayed with my parents and recently with Cheri and Jay.  He's ok until he gets a little bit hungry.  Then, he wants his mama...and he's not taking no for an answer!  He then proceeds to scream for over an hour until he's so exhausted that he falls asleep.  And of course I come home from a lovely dinner and feel horrible that I was enjoying myself while he was having a complete meltdown.  And bless their hearts, they won't call me and tell me he's upset because they know I'll leave my dinner and come get him and they know we need some time to ourselves. Ugh.  Such a double-edged sword.
He's rolling all over the place.
He's talking up a storm and making new sounds all the time.
He laughs the most adorable belly laugh.
He's a little nervous around the dog.
He's got a little attitude that's starting to, arching his back when he doesn't want to get in his carseat...already, at 5 months.
He's had his first taste of sweet potatoes and thought they were sorta okay once I mixed them with rice cereal, but he wasn't overly excited either way.
He's started sleeping more during the day, which is nice...but he's waking earlier in the morning, which is not so nice.
He's hard to change! He wiggles and turns and rolls and kicks and makes it extremely hard to get a diaper on him...and his clothes.
He's still sensitive to dairy but can tolerate small amounts of it.
He's sitting upright without help but tips over if he's not propped up with pillows.
He's still in size 1 diapers and 3 or 3-6 month clothing.
He sucks his thumb if he can't find his binkie.
He pants like a dog when he wants to nurse.
He's super smiley for Matt, Taylor and I, but everyone else has to work for them.
He's nosey...he always has to know everything that's going on around him.
He likes pulling hair.
He loves his car and will scoot himself around in when he's on the wood floor.
Taking a bath is his favorite thing to do.
He's now able to sit in his high chair and play while we eat.  It's fun to have him at the table, too. :)
In general, he's a super sweet little man who we love with all our hearts.
He absolutely makes our family complete. ♥

1 comment:

sara said...

Oh Cara! He is SUCH a cute little thing! And like ahead of his time- he's doing the same and more than Brooks who's nearly seven months- you are going to have your hands full when he's fully mobile :-) Loved your Disney post too!