Saturday, November 24, 2012

A happy Thanksgiving!

Once again, our Thanksgiving did not disappoint.
We spent it with family and ate 'til our hearts' content.
It was quite a lovely day!
This was the best I could do this year for a photo...Taylor didn't want one and Ben was in his post-turkey-dinner-coma state. :)
This year, it goes without saying that we are incredibly thankful for so many things...but my sweet baby boy is certainly at the top of the list! There were many times I thought I would never hold another one of my to this mama's heart, every little bit of this baby is a blessing...and I am so very thankful for him and his big sis, too. What in the world would my life be like without them? I can't even fathom it...
The only thing missing from this Thanksgiving was our favorite guy.
Matt got to spend his holiday in Wisconsin hunting, surrounded by his family, and even got to enjoy two complete turkey dinners!  He's been gone for 2 weeks and comes home Monday...and I just can't wait!  I can handle life with two kids on my own, but I'd certainly rather not. There is definitely something to be said for an extra pair of hands and some back-up when it's needed! And don't think for a minute that I'm not planning my getaway when he gets home...I already have a dinner and Christmas shopping date with my bestie on the calendar! And a massage, mani/pedi, coffee date.... :)

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