Friday, January 25, 2013

And then there's the rest of us...

If it seems like all you ever read, see and hear about these days is the little guy, you're right!  I haven't forgotten that there are 3 other people in this family, but when I only get around to blogging twice {sometimes once} a month, it seems like he's the one that needs the most updating!  So, for those of you who would actually like to know what the rest of us have been up to, here ya go... sweet, little sassy-pants. :)
She's becoming so independent and so grown-up.  The way she talks, her mannerisms, her words...she's really coming into her own.  She's always asking questions...about God, the Earth, geography, biology, time...anything and everything that comes to mind, she wants to talk about it.  I love it! Sometimes the grown-up concepts that she can grasp totally blow me away, and other times I giggle at her innocence.  She's constantly asking me to help her spell words and she's starting to sound things out on her own.  I can't believe that in a very short time she will be reading all on her own.  I kinda like having her all snuggled up in my lap, hanging on every word of every page that I read.  And now that I think about it, soon enough she's not even going to fit on my lap anymore... Oh, I just don't think I'm ready for her to grow up.  I have to say that I'm glad she didn't get to start Kindergarten this year.  Having her home for one more year is really a blessing to me.  We don't get to spend as much alone time together now, and I really miss that.  I think Kindergarten would have been really hard for me. I just want to keep her little for a tad bit longer.  However, she is getting older and with age comes attitude!  She's such a sweet girl most of the time, but when she's tired or hungry or just plain having a bad day, look out! I have a very real and justified fear of the teenage years...Lord, help me! I say this because you know what they say...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! :)  She had her first official sleepover last weekend for her best buddy's birthday and did awesome!  She's stayed away from home several times before at my parents and sisters houses, so I wasn't worried at all.  She's not one to get scared or homesick as long as there's fun to be had!  She's such a social butterfly and would rather be playing with her friends or cousins than anything else in the world! In fact, we're planning a little Valentine party for some of her friends and cousins in a few weeks so stay tuned for those pics...little girls {and boys!} and pink and hearts just seem to go together nicely, don't they?!  She's such a good kid and a total party girl so I'm really looking forward to a fun day devoted to her loving little heart and her lovely little friends. ♥ hard-workin' man!
He's been super busy lately.  Between working his full-time job, traveling, moving, working a part-time job in the evening and on weekends, and finding time for his family and friends, he doesn't have a lot of time for anything else.  I have to say though, that he is so good at what he does and I'm so proud of him for wanting to go the extra mile to provide for his family, lessen our financial burden, and still allow me to stay home and do what I do best. He makes it look easy and doesn't complain a bit.  I love this guy. He's such a good daddy. He adores his baby boy and I think there's going to be a very special bond between the two of them as Benjamin grows up. Him and Taylor have always been really close...they're "best buddies" as Taylor says...but there's something different with a daddy and his boy.  I'm really looking forward to watching that relationship flourish. He's excited to be changing out a few things on his Harley this winter and getting it ready for Spring/Summer and that includes making it more comfortable for me!  Woo-hoo! Can't wait for those date nights, again...there's just something about a hot guy in dark sunglasses and a black leather jacket on a motorcycle, isn't there?! :)
 Me...I'm a work in progress!
Well, we're finally settled in our new house.  It took us the better part of two months, but the "old" house is finally empty and clean and ready to be occupied by it's new owners.  So sad.  I cried the entire time I was there cleaning.  Every room I went in held such precious memories for me and I couldn't help but wish that we could just move all our stuff back in and make it work.  Room by room, I said good-bye to our house.  I started with our master bed/bathroom and that's where the tears began.  We lost 6 babies in that room.  Every time I got in that tub I remembered each time...being in there in the wee hours of the morning...and oddly enough, it was comforting.  It helped me remember them.  It brought them closer to me and now that place is no longer mine.  The place where I said goodbye to my babies.  That was a hard door to close.  Next was Taylor's room.  Left in her closet were little fluffs from feather boas and strands of tinsel from princess wands. She had so much fun in that room!  I remembered her as a baby and her precious little crib set that we painted the walls to match.  Her walk-in closet that was always her favorite hiding spot when we played hide-and-seek.  And some of her very first drawings that had been on her door for what seemed like forever.  Ben's room was easier...he wasn't in there too long, but looking at his name decal on the wall in a room without a stitch of anything else in it made me so sad.  Sad that he'll never know that house as home.  And from his bay window I could look out and see all our neighbor's houses...people who have become dear friends that we shared many summer evenings in our driveway with, many dinners and many, many drinks with, and made so many good memories with.  The kids riding their bikes every day...knocking on our door and asking if Taylor can come out and play...taking spontaneous walks to the coffee shop in town and always having someone to borrow a cup of milk or sugar from when I needed it. I already miss them dearly...  But, now that we're officially done with our house I feel like I can finally move on and start to focus on moving forward, which is a good feeling!  And, we have some really fun stuff coming up this year, so I'm anxious to get this show on the road!  A trip to the Great Wolf Lodge and a visit from Matt's parents next month; 2 family weddings this summer, one here and one in Colorado; our annual family camping trip; two of our best friends' wedding in Vegas; my baby boy will be 1; Taylor will start Kindergarten...whew! 2013 is a big year already and it's only January! Not to mention I'm going to lose another 10 {15?!} pounds by summer!  Just putting that out there...that's my plan, but we'll see.  Having a baby that isn't old enough for the nursery, won't take a bottle and is still nursing makes it kinda hard for me to do much about going to the gym. I could work out at home, but I just can't find that motivation right now. I also need to do a cleanse/detox in a bad way because I'm seriously addicted to sugar right now, but of course that will have to wait until I'm one nursing.  So, as I said at the top, I'm a work in progress.  Only 2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and all my clothes fit me, including my smaller jeans that I bought after losing 20lbs before I got pregnant, but I'm not where I want to be and I'm certainly not ready for swimsuit season! Yikes! ;)
So, that's what's up with us.  There's so much  more, but it's late and I like my sleep.
G'night. :)

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